Monday, 26 May 2008

messed up cartoon.

But I like strange things. Collect them all.


Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Cute, creepy and funny...some of my favorite things.
Also shares my secret shame of tap loving.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

mah ha ha

It is very creepy, espcally the fish one.

Rusty spoons.... are almost orgasmic. HA HA HA HA.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

My, oh my...I feel the over eager need to rush your way with my award winning collection of rusty cutlery.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

Ooooooo rusty cutlery.

Just don't add nettles to the deal.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

I'm rapidly adding to my list of things to bring to your next get together...rusty spoons in a bag filled with nettles and dress as a giant flaming matchstick...I now feel so unclean...sweeeeeet...

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

If that makes you feel unclean, you haven't seen anything yet.

Here's you hose. Here's your bar of soap.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

The words "unclean", "seen" and "yet" make me oh so very happy..."soap" and "hose" not so much...or as much anyway. This swings heavily on location...tee-hee, I just used the words hose and swings heavily in the same area...that's right, I added AREA...

Sparkle Plenty said...

Hiya, Ishat's! I WAS up late last night! Now begins a time of much much work for me, so I might be lurking around late in a desperate need for distraction. Elsewhere, I believe I read that you went to the drive-in? Woo-hoo! Does the sound come in through the radio or through a speaker you clip to the car?

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

When did drive-ins start playing talkies?
Am I totally missing out here?
I though those funny devices hooked to the side of everyone else's cars were to order crap from the snack bar and since my car is equipped with a toaster oven and mini-fridge, I never bothered.
No wonder I had so much trouble following that last feature film...DANG!

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

I remember the old speakers.

Radio. That's right, they like to keep the tow trucks in business. Some people forget to start their cars between features.

I should remember it takes a whole movie before the kids calm down enough so I can watch it. So I will only go to ones I want to see the second feature and not care about the first. In this case, Iron man was second. And I wanted to see Indiana Jones. I was never a big marvel fan. But the wee ones enjoyed it.

I did spend an hour the next day cleaning out the van.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Not a Marvel fan?
Have you tried reading any of the Ultimate titles? Quite excellent.
Kingdom Come type cool. were the two fine films?
I've heard both good and bad about Dr. Jones, but have yet to hear anything about Mr. Stark.
Burn me baby, BURN ME!

The Silver Fox said...


Talkies? FEH! They'll never catch on.

Iron Man was pretty good, but not great. I went to see it based on the casting of Mr Downey. I enjoyed it, but I guess not as much as everybody else.

Ishat: A YouTube video's gotten more comments than your last character piece? (Which I enjoyed. Just didn't comment.) There is no justice.

Sparkle Plenty said...

I am pretty sure that once upon a time--long, long ago when dinosaurs actually roamed the earth and not just my blog--I managed to drive off with one of those speakers hooked to my car.

Please note: It's not a good idea to do that. (Silly, silly, silly.)

Query: What kind of music did your grandmother like?

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...


Thanks, glad you and Jeff liked it. As you are both men. And I am not.

Salad Fingers is fun and creepy. Mah Ha Ha.

Does this mean I write less and put up more creepy Youtube?

The Silver Fox said...

Ishat: My personal opinion is that YouTube should be used sparingly. It makes everything take forever to load, especially for people like me who do the old "right click, open in new tab" for all my links at once when I check blogs for the day.

And hey,. Sparkle's up late again...

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

I have no clue how Indian Jones was. I had six kids fighting in and around the minivan. They didn't calm down until Iron Man.

Marvel does have a formula that is, well, predictable. The movies follow it to a fault.

I didn't care for it. But I don't care for most superhero films. Though the best line is in the trailers. "This is not the worse thing you caught me doing."

But if you like superhero movies. Marvel comics. You might like it. the kids all liked it.

I do like comic books. I am more of the Vertigo stuff type and some odd indie stuff.

I actually read comic at break. And my children, well the older 3, read my comics too. I just finished Books of Magic. now taking a brake with a Xena graphic novel. After that I have Constantine graphic novel, some of the other books of magic sequels.

You know I should read a real book sometimes. But the time is not always something I have. I have been working on reading 3 books. But they have no pretty pictures. Beautiful Losers. Some book about prostitutes in India. And I have a Niel Gaiman book kicking around.

I read them while waiting for doctors. That's when I have the most time.

For the record I have read real books. Hitchhiker's guild to the Galaxy counts, right? Read them all.

Sulks away. I feel like such a fraud.

Never mind what I just said. I love reading innovative writers on the Internet.

O.k. I look better now.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...


Me too, and I still have it.

You are obsessed with grandmother.

Snicker Snicker.

Wait, you don't think she was the same person as yours? We are cousins! How cool is that!

Oh wait, I know all my grandmother's grandchildren. Maybe she was your great aunt, she had 2 sisters. We are cousins, how cool!

My grandmother liked: Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Eartha Kitt, Lawrence Whelk... she went to many concerts and showed me photos of her dancing with the men, Liberace... who I could not convince her he was gay for the life of me, the Ink Spots, Show tunes, later with me she liked John Lennon, and many artist Christmas music.

Glad to see you up with us late nighters.

What kind of music did your grandmother like?

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...


So you are saying, more silliness in writing and no more sexy sandwiches, I mean youtube creepyness.

Sparkle Plenty said...

It is true. I am occasionally drawn to grandmothers; I appreciate their sensible shoes and mad, ninjalike aphid control skills and knowledge. Mine enjoyed Mr. John Denver and a host of others including, yet not limited to, Mr. Welk, Mr. Roger Miller, Mr. "Sing Along with Mitch," The Beatles, and The Cars. I believe that she had cracked the code of Liberace.